ZFX - CC3 File Packer Tool


	zfx ([-e] file.zfx)|folder


zfx is a console tool that can be used to create and manipulate Close Combat 3 archive (ZFX) files. A ZFX file is a non-compressed concatenation of files with an additional "manifest". All files in the the ZFX file must have filenames 12 characters or less. A ZFX file can have a maximum of 600 files.


To use zfx you must specify the pathname of a ZFX file or a folder.

If you specify a ZFX file the contents of that file will be displayed by default. If you specify the -e option the contents of that file will be extracted to a new folder with the same name as the ZFX minus the the .zfx extension.

If you specify a folder a new ZFX file will be created (overwriting any existing ZFX file) with name of the folder plus the .zfx extension.


To list the contents of the guns.zfx file:

    > zfx guns.zfx
      # File           Offset     Size
    --- ------------ -------- --------
      0 g120MTR.nnh     12604     1044
      1 g120MTR.nsh     13648     1044
      2 g120MTR.znh     14692     3968
      3 g120MTR.zsh     18660     3968
      4 g37mm.nnh       22628     2076
      5 g37mm.nsh       24704     2076
    64 files in guns.zfx

To extract the files of the guns.zfx file into the folder guns:

    > zfx -e guns.zfx
    Extracting 64 files from guns.zfx to guns

To re-create the guns.zfx file from the guns folder:

    > zfx guns
    Adding 64 files from guns to guns.zfx


Download zfx.zip and extract the zfx.exe file into a folder in your path.

Requires the Microsoft Java Virtual Machine: http://www.microsoft.com/java/